Option #1:

Option #2:

As previously stated I have a total obsession with Janie & Jack, it is my absolute favorite children's clothing store {my mom suffers from the same affliction} and now that the Christmas season is over they have brought out their Valentines Day clothes! Eek! So freakin' cute!
I have been in talks with other moms from our birthing class {we have get togethers from time to time to catch up and see how big the kiddos have gotten} about having a shared birthday celebration {in addition to the family ones that each family is having privately} for the tykes right around Valentines Day {with the oldest child being born in late December and the youngest being born March 2nd this seemed like perfect timing}.
OK, I LOVE them both but I think option 1 is adorable! Why not put our little girls in dresses while we can! I look forward to getting together for our celebration. I will let you know as soon as I start the planning process..it will be full of cuteness!!!
Oh my gosh I totally know what you mean! Since I cant pick i'm thinking about getting both ;-)
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