I have found that I am at my worst with this when it comes to all things child related. I scoff and look down on the people that don't take the "right" prenatal vitamins, don't eat the "right" foods when pregnant or breast feeding, don't read "enough" baby/pregnancy books {don't even get me started on this, my #1 pet peeve}, don't breastfeed {this excludes women who are physically incapable such as in the case of adoption or for medical reasons}, don't provide healthy foods, don't try {sometimes easier said than done} to get their babies on a routine, dads that feel changing diapers is "womans work" {in fact, this just goes in general for anyone who thinks that there is "womans work" and "mans work" it's almost 2011 for goodness sake}, I could go on and on and on. And, I usually do - to myself.
I am just totally unable/unwilling to get beyond this judgement.
But the thing is, being a parent is real REALLY difficult and being a mom - especially if you have left a career to be a stay at home - does a real number on you physically, mentally, and emotionally and it can be very isolating at times. So I also very strongly feel like we as mothers and as women should stick together and stand up for one another instead of tearing one another apart with judgemental attitudes because we're all doing the best that we can to raise good people that will make a difference in this world while at the same time trying to keep a semblance of who we each are as a "person" not just a mom.
Even though it's only early December I have made this my resolution {not just for 2011 but for the rest of my life} I will try my very hardest to stop being so quick to judge my fellow parents. It'll be hard for me and I'm sure there will be moments when I fail but I'll just get back on the horse and start again.
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