Of course, at the blood drawn I totally fainted {typical}. Cheyenne had meetings that he couldn't get out of so my bestie, Meegan, came along with Amelia & I and I am so so glad that she did; between my blood pressure & sugar getting all out of whack from the fainting and Amelia being a bit of a handful {the appointment was at the height of what should be nap time and the doctor was running behind so we were there twice as long as I had planned} Meegan was invaluable. I hope all of my readers are lucky enough to have great supportive friends, it makes a world of difference.
Anywho, after the blood draw my doctor double checked the calendar and informed me that it turns out Miss Alice can't be scheduled to arrive on the 21st as I had wanted because that would put the surgery 8 days out instead of the preferred 6 or 7 days out. Damn it! You know how fussy I get when my plans are disturbed. I pitched a bit of a fit and tried a bit of begging but didn't get my way. It now looks like I'll be disemboweled {my "cute" description of a c-section} on the 23rd of August.
On the plus side this means that she will now share her birthday with the likes of Barbara Eden, River Phoenix, Louis XVI, Keith Moon AND one of my favorite people in the whole entire world, my great friend Kevin Miller {my fancy pants opera singer bestie} which is some pretty solid company for sure.
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