If you have been reading this blog from the beginning {and might I say both wowza and thank you if you have} then you remember that Cheyenne & I were adamant that we use cloth diapers with Amelia. We used the bamboo 100% organic cloth diapers from BumGenius and loved them {sadly they are no longer sold}. We used them solely for the first 6 months or so then she grew out of the ones I had and I couldn't get my hands on any more in larger sizes {I'm not sure why they were phased out}. Instead of investing in another type or brand we switched over to Earth's Best disposables and we liked them as well. We now use a mix of a few different environmentally friendly disposable diapers and are phasing them out altogether while trying to get Amelia potty trained.
Just as one child is leaving diapers we are preparing to have a new little one start from the beginning of the diapering phase {sigh}. However, with a toddler and a newborn it is very important this time around to streamline as much as possible and not make any more work for Cheyenne & I then is already naturally required. So, with that in mind I am a bit sad to say that cloth diapering didn't make the cut this time around - all of the soaking and washing and drying and such just isn't going to cut it when I have a crying baby and a energetic two year old both demanding 110% of my time/energy/attention.
I'm sure that no one is surprised when I say that I have spent a ton of time reviewing and comparing various disposables to see what will work best for us {hours and hours of research because I'm like that}. When it comes to my children I try to stay away from as many gross/harsh/unnatural chemicals as possible so of course I knew that the field could be quickly narrowed down to environmentally friendly choices {it's also important that we not make more of an environment impact than is necessarily since we're already throwing something in the trash}. As any new mom can tell you, convenience is a huge factor as well. The idea of going to the grocery store by myself with Amelia {who no longer wants to sit in the cart} and a crying baby strikes fear in every cell of my body - I know there will be times when it has to happen and is unavoidable but I don't want that to be a daily nightmare. So I want something that is easy to find and get, I prefer services that deliver {amazon.com & diapers.com are both excellent sources FYI}.
After all of my research I came across Jessica Alba's new company: The Honest Co. and it was love at first sight friends. A quick read through the story behind the company and I knew that these were kindred parenting spirits with the same concerns as myself. This is the perfect answer to my needs: environmentally friendly diapers & wipes that are free of chemicals, comparable pricing to what I would normally spend {especially for the quality}, convenience {it's a monthly service that is automatically billed to your card then delivered to your doorstep}, and the patterns are super cute {which isn't important at all but it's still fun}. Here is more info on the diaper bundles including pricing, quantity, & patterns for anyone interested.
They also have environmentally friendly cleaning products which I might give a try, though I'm pretty happy with my current brands {Mrs. Meyers, Planet, & Seventh Generation}. If you're expecting a baby or know someone that is, I highly recommend checking out The Honest Co.!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
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