Luckily under my new insurance {since I no longer work outside of the home I'm covered by Cheyenne's benefits now} I have the choice to go to whichever of the local hospitals I want. The thing is, we have a HUGE selection of hospitals in the Portland/metro area and it can be a bit daunting. Helping narrow down the field is the fact that I refuse to go to any other OB/GYN than the fantastic {and highly recommended if you're on the search for a new one} Dr. Robin Barrett, who only delivers at either Good Sam or St. Vincent's.
Amelia was delivered at St. Vincent's and although I know several people that also delivered babies there or went there for other reasons all with great stories, Cheyenne & I both hated our experience there and swore we would never ever have another birth there.
So obviously I've chosen Good Sam as my hospital of choice this go round and I'm quite pleased. That being said, it's always nice to have "proof" of some kind that you're in good hands. While on the Good Sam website I found a link to the US NEWS Reports hospital rankings and it would seem that I did in fact make the wise choice as Good Sam ranked very high in 5 major areas including gynecology. Since I'll be having major abdominal surgery {c-section} this helps give me some peace of mind.
If you're interested in how your own hospital ranks or if you're trying to choose between multiple hospitals check out the link here and do a search for your area.
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