I'm feeling a bit crunched for time because we have family coming into town {my mom, my mother in law, and my sister in law} for the big event and my house needs that "oh lord people will be in here" kind of deep cleaning. That kind of cleaning is never on my favorite things list so I tend to put it off as long as possible and then end up staying up until 4:00am with a toothbrush scrubbing grout lines the night before planes arrive. Hopefully I'll be smart enough to avoid such a fate this time around but I make no promises.
And of course I'm very eager for August 23rd to finally get here because I am so very O-V-E-R pregnancy in general but especially when combined with summer. And of course I'm super super excited to meet our little girl and relive that totally unique joy that comes with having a baby.
I had my bimonthly OB appointment on Friday and everything went well, my weight is exactly where it should be as are all of my vitals. I've been lucky in both pregnancies in that I haven't experienced any swelling or edema. A lot of the ladies in my family dealt with terrible edema so it's something that I had assumed would effect me but I'm happy to say that it has not.
On a more superficial level I can also say that in neither of my pregnancies have a developed the linea nigra or had my belly button "pop", I have gone these past 30 years without a single hemorrhoid {the plague of the pregnant woman}, and any stretch mark action has been very minimal and faint. I know those last things don't matter so long as you have a healthy pregnancy and baby but they're still things that I'm grateful to have been able to avoid; being pregnant is {at least in my case} not the prettiest time in ones life and so I'm happy that I didn't have those few extra blows to the ole self-esteem.
I have my next OB appointment on the 26th where I'll have my 35 week ultrasound and I'm just a bit nervous since it was at that same point when I was pregnant with Amelia that all of the craziness started with the three day trip to the hospital followed by bed rest then a delivery that was 4 weeks early. My doctor does not believe that there are any signs that indicate that there would be a repeat of the last time but still....I'll be happy to just get through these last 38 days with everything running smoothly.
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