We had a great time, Amelia did her usual crazy warrior woman thang yelling out at the top of her lungs "I'LL GET YOU OCEAN!!!" while running as absolutely fast as possible toward the surf. The waters of the Pacific this high up are crazy cold year round and only a psycho would go and submerge themselves in it without a wetsuit...apparently my child is a psycho because she spent the whole time jumping and running into the waves and getting drenched head to toe with no thought whatsoever to her own well being. Once she started turning blueish Cheyenne or I {we took turns since we are not in fact as ballsy when it comes to the frigid water}would drag her back up to our picnic spot in the sunshine on the beach and would wrap her up in a towel to get her back up to a healthy 98.6 - she was less than thrilled, each time screaming "NO SUN! MORE OCEAN! OOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!" yeah, we got some looks.
After a while she decided to take a break from trying to swim to Japan and/or defeat the ocean and just stood at the waters edge while staring with a somewhat frightening level of concentration out at the water then when the tide & waves would roll in she would yell "THE OCEAN'S COMING! IT'S COMING!" I love her. Both Amelia and Josie fell sound asleep as soon as we got back onto the highway. Perfect day.
On Sunday with the temps high {for us - yes I know it's hotter where you are and no, I don't care} we spent the afternoon playing in the pool then went over to our friends {Tom & Meegan}for a barbecue and had a great time. It's amazing how good it is for the soul to be around people you love and have such fun with. It was the perfect end to an amazing weekend.
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