The thing is, there just isn't too terribly much to report. My pregnancy is healthy and without incident {knock on wood}and honestly just seems to be mirroring my first one.
Amelia is her happy little self. She's so funny, she just says the most hilarious things but they happen so fast that I don't have time to write them down. She seems to have a frat boy sense of humor these days. Just yesterday she was sitting next to me on the couch reading a book to herself and she farted. She laughed and laughed at herself and then said "Mama! Mimi farted! I'm makin' bubbles!" then she made a fake fart noise with her lips and goes "that's what farts say". Then last night while we were grocery shopping she demanded to get out of the cart {ugh} and then walked around stomping and roaring and saying "I'm a Dinesy" {her name for dinosaur}.
She also continues to be totally fearless much to the delight and terror of Cheyenne and I. We love and strongly encourage how independent she is but there are times when it makes me heart stop in my chest {like when she decides that jumping and leaping off of Mommy & Daddy's bed is amazing fun}. Just like last summer she's a total fish in the water, she L-O-V-E-S the pool and every day when she wakes up from her nap she ask if we can "go splashin' with the kids". When we're in the pool she wants no part of being coddled or looked after, she'll shove us away and say "no help Mama" or "no helpin' Daddy" and demand to "swim" -aka dog paddle or float on her back- all by herself then she'll eventually make her way over to perfect strangers and join in whatever games they're playing. As a child I was always super shy around strangers and just in general viewed life from a fairly nervous perspective...I'm so happy that Amelia didn't inherit that from me.
Cheyenne & I had a great anniversary, or as great as it can be in the summer while you're heavily pregnant. Can I just say that having now officially been pregnant for one half of my wedding anniversaries I'm looking forward to never being pregnant on another one again. Anyway, we went on a date Downtown which I know doesn't sound exciting but it was perfect. Since we never ever leave Amelia with a sitter for more then an hour {and by "sitter" I mean a grandparent} it's rare that we have any time out on the town without the kid and although I about had a total panic attack as we pulled out of the driveway and covertly checked my cell phone a million times I eventually loosened up and had a great time. Since moving to our quiet residential neighborhood in NoPo {or North Portland to the non-locals} from the heart of NW {we lived on 21st & Irving for years and years} Cheyenne & I have both struggled immensely with how much we miss living in the heart of things. We go back and forth on the idea of moving back to the downtown/northwest/pearl areas for a few years on an almost daily basis, I have no idea what we'll end up doing since our decision changes far too frequently but I will say that every time we go back to the old stomping grounds we feel such a strong pull and sadness about not still being there. Hmmm. Anyway, with that in mind we decided to have a date with not only each other but with our beloved city so we spent time in Powell's before grabbing dinner from the amazing food carts that fill the streets then headed over to a park to people watch and enjoy our painfully delicious food after which we walked over to the Fox Tower to see Moonrise Kingdom by the amazing Wes Anderson {how can you NOT want to see a movie by one of your all-time favorite writer/directors when the plot is sweetly romantic and the cast is great}. By the by the movie was fantastic and if you're a Wes Anderson fan then I can't suggest it strongly enough, it is easily one of his very best.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July and honestly, until my grandmother mentioned it the other day I had totally forgotten, even when I feel spry and full of pep it's not a holiday that I get overly worked up over and this year I feel even more ambivalent about it that usual. I think we're just planning on drugging the dog, grilling up some hamburgers and sausages and playing in the backyard then watching whatever insanely entertaining yet highly illegal fireworks display that our vaguely hillbilly neighbors put on.
We haven't been to the coast since September I think and quite frankly that is much MUCH too long. I start to get all claustrophobic when I go too long without having at least my feet in the ocean - don't get me started on the mental crisis that happens when I have to be in a landlocked state - so with the weatherman calling for beautiful blue skies and temps in the mid-high 80's {barf} this weekend I think I'm going to pack up the husband, kid, & dog and deal with the traffic so that I can go to the beach and put my feet in the water and my fingers in the sand and breath in the salty air. Amelia I'm sure will do her usual battle cry when we get there {imagine Xena Warrior Princess at age 2}. I've never known anyone else who is so certain that they have the power to take on and defeat an entire ocean, perhaps she also gets claustrophobic in the months we go without being next to such vastness.
And that's pretty much all that I have to report, we're in the last few {7} weeks before chaos reigns supreme in our house and we're all three equal parts excited and terrified. Wish us luck!
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