We spent all weekend running errands but I think we have a ton of stuff done and I'm feeling good about what I have left to do versus how much time I have left, we'll see how true that stands a bit closer to the date but for now it's no stress.
I've gotten the vast majority of my baby shopping done as well so in the next couple of weeks as everything arrives and gets washed and put away it'll really start to feel like Alice is all set up to come home with ease.
The deep cleaning of the house will probably start this weekend which I feel very "meh" about but it'll be nice to have it just done and out of the way. Our friends David & Abigail {the girls god-parents} have offered to take over "Amelia duties" so that we can actually get the cleaning done {because cleaning a house with a toddler running around is not unlike brushing your teeth with Oreos, good intentions but totally useless} so Peanut will get to run around the zoo, park, and have her god-parents spoil her rotten while Cheyenne and I get to attack the house with scrub brushes...I can't help but feel that Amelia is getting the better end of that deal.
Speaking of Amelia, she's been doing really well with potty-training lately. We had hit a wall a while back where she just would NOT sit down on the potty chair and would scream and cry. Not wanting to traumatize her and make the whole process take twice as long we shelved it and spent the time reading her books {like this one} and watching shows {like this one} to get her excited again and less anxious. It's paid off and she's been sitting down on her own and going when she needs. We still have more work to do but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now which is a big relief with a newborn on the way.
And speaking of working with Amelia on things and the newborn on the way we have been talking non-stop about how awesome it is to be a big sister and what it's like to have a baby sister these days. Every night we read this book and talk about what it will be like when Baby Sister comes home. Amelia is starting to warm up to the idea slowly - for the majority of my pregnancy when we bring it up she just seems totally disinterested and changes the subject, so the warming up has been a good thing. Of course she still doesn't fully grasp what's going to happen and change but we're trying our hardest to do what preparing we can. Fingers and toes are all crossed for a fairly painless transition from only child to oldest child.
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