So, on Sunday Cheyenne & I left Peanut with her Papa and off we went for a driving lesson. Let me say that the big issue is not re-learning {it's like a bike} but rather the fact that when I was sixteen and originally learned to drive I had an automatic and since my mom never learned how to drive a manual neither did I. Well, jump to present day and we have a stick-shift {because they're better} so really the lessons are focusing on how to drive a stick versus an automatic. The good thing is that our car has an amazingly easy clutch {or so I have been told by a few people} so it hasn't been nearly as much of an issue as I had psyched myself up for.
I'm also in luck that I have maybe the best teacher ever. Cheyenne is super easy going and knows exactly what I do and don't want to hear {for example: positive encouragement and reinforcement feels like someone rubbing a cheese grater on my skin - never ever tell me things like "you're doing a really good job" it'll just annoy me}. Back in college he had wanted to be a teacher {early education specifically} and it wasn't until the second time around that he changed paths and decided on computer engineering - but that natural and studied need to teach really comes out when he's showing someone how to do something that they've never done or uncomfortable with and he's able to set people at ease and build their confidence without them realizing that's what he's doing {just ask my friend Meegan who learned how to snowboard thanks to Cheyenne & his hetero-lifemate}.
I think the plan is to go back out every weekend and practice until I feel comfortable enough to go take my test and join the rest of the driving populace which should be either right before or a little after Alice comes.
Wish me luck folks!
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