We got back from our visit to Reno last night {Monday} at about 7:30pm. We had a great time with family and friends {"Hi" to: Renee, Cara, Darleen, & Vicki!} as we always do. The ride down was perfect, we made good time {even though we took a wrong turn and had to go the "Mt. Shasta way" we got into town right when we thought we would had we gone the faster/correct way}, the baby and dog {yep, Josie went with us this time} were on their best behavior and the weather was perfect. Our visit was short as always but a good one. Amelia was much much nicer to her Gramma this time {phew} and entertained everyone with all of her new skills and such. It was also great to get to see Grandma & Grandpa {Cheyenne's grandparents} since we hadn't seen them since right before I got pregnant. Sadly, I didn't think to take nearly as many photos as I should have. I plugged the camera into the laptop tonight to start editing photos and there aren't a ton and the ones I have aren't my best work. Ugh. But I'll get them up here in another post in a day or two so that you can see the few that I was wise enough to take.
The only bad thing about the past few days has been the fact that Amelia started cutting her top left lateral incisor about 3 days before we left, then 1 day before we left the middle left tooth {central incisor} started to make it's way down. That wasn't too terrible, she had cut the bottom middle two at the same time without so much as a single tear and these top two coming in at the same time didn't seem to make a huge amount of discomfort {a little ear pulling and some crankiness}. But then. Then, on the day we left {yesterday} her other lateral incisor {top middle right tooth} cut the gum line and started it's way down. SUCK! Two teeth, that she can handle, but three? No. Not so much. Combine this with the constant altitude changes when going from Reno to Portland {Sierra Nevadas then Cascades means that we went from sea level to 5,500 feet and back several times over the course of 11 hours}. Poor little baby cried for 2.5 solid hours and nothing I did seemed to help. We're all a bit frazzled and shell shocked today, luckily Cheyenne was wise enough to take the day off so we were able to share baby duties today {still crying and ear pulling}. When getting her ready for bed tonight {and administering baby Tylenol and baby orajel} I noticed YET ANOTHER TOP TOOTH coming in {the other central incisor}!!! Several grandmothers have suggested whiskey on the gums, however modern medical science has shown that alcohol can cause seizures in babies {despite what people over 70 swear}. Since Amelia can't have the whiskey to help her through this wretched phase I suppose I'll have to go ahead and use it myself in her honor :-)
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