Friday, July 27, 2012

.35 week ultrasound update.

As you know, I was a bit nervous about this weeks ultrasound since it was at the same one with Amelia that I was told my amniotic fluid was dangerously low and was admitted to the hospital then and there. I'm happy to say that we did not relive that scenario this time.
While my fluid is on the "lower side of average" {a 12} it's nothing that has caused concern/alarm for my doctor or ultrasound tech. Also of note: Alice {unlike her sister at this point} is in a perfect head-down position {versus Amelia being in breech}. Also interesting is that the ultrasound shows Alice being a little over 4 pounds and which puts her in the 25th percentile for we perhaps have yet another very skinny very tall girl? In just 4 weeks we'll know for sure!


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