"Not that hot" does not begin to describe how poorly Peanut has felt today. I have been thrown up on so many times since this morning that I have lost count. And by "throw up" I mean forceful geysers of vomit not delicate baby spit up. Generally speaking, Amelia is not one to throw up. Even as a teeny tiny baby she very very very rarely spit up let alone full on vomit and as she's gotten older, heck, I cant even think of a time before today that she has thrown up. It's been horrible. Each time she gets sick she cries and cries and she's been clinging to me like a spider monkey. We've been trying to get her to take drinks of Pedialyte since milk has been automatically coming back up and it seems to have helped some. I also got her to eat a bit of oatmeal and some salt-free saltines {what would that be called? 'tines?} by 6:30pm she had a bit of pep back in her step but then what had been going up all day took a sharp left turn and headed South - so add scooping runny poop out of the bathtub to my "list of things that should never be done to ring in the new year".
She's in bed now and I'm hoping that she gets a good nights sleep and gets the rest that her poor little body needs. In case you were keeping count so far 2012: 1 Chole: 0.
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