Also, on these same days, my dog {whom I also love} is crazy obnoxious. They're best friends so I assume it's a planned thing to chink away at what little bit of sanity I have left.
Before my wedding back in 2008 I did a lot of at home pilates dvd's and bought a yoga stability ball. Since then the dvds are covered in dust and that stability ball gets tossed around the house by a dog and child that are {supposedly} unaware of how close they come to destroying every single thing in it's sizeable path. On a daily basis I argue with the dog and beg her to PLEASE STOP THROWING THE BALL INTO THE SIDE TABLE or some such thing. I've tried hiding it but she's an Australian Shepherd which means she's too dang smart for her own good and without fail she always finds it then the begging and whining start. I had planned on letting the air out and putting it in the garage but never got around to it.
Cut to late last week when my nerves were totally frazzled after a day full of arguing with a toddler and cleaning up mess after mess - for the millionth time {it seemed} the stability ball went crashing into the side table {full of framed photos and a lamp} and without another word I got up, went to the kitchen, got a steak knife and gave one sharp stab to the ball {no child or dog were nearby} letting out all of the air. Perhaps it was stupid and wasteful {I now realize} but let me just tell you, for that 10 seconds it felt fan-fucking-tastic {sorry for the language but sometimes it's warranted}.
Sometimes your day or week are just stressful and crappy....should that describe your day or week I highly recommend taking a nice stab at a yoga ball. You'll feel better {at least in the short term}.
p.s. despite how the above story made sound, I am not a psycho.
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