Squee! I am so super excited! One of my top 3 writer/directors has come out with a soon to be released new movie. I love love love every single
Wes Anderson movie {off the top of my head he's only topped by
Jean-Pierre Jeunet} and I'm so excited to see this latest one as soon as it gets to a theater near me. Are there any movies coming out soon that you are looking forward to?
YES. :D can't wait to see it! What is your 3rd in your top 3 writers/directors? Those 2 are definitely in my top 5. I also love Terry Gilliam, the Edgar Wright team and the Judd Apatow crew.
It's so hard to narrow it down but im going to have to go Charlie Kaufman/Michael Gondry. Amelie, Royal Tenenbaums, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind are easily EASILY my 3 favorite movies of all time and really Anderson, Jeunet, & Kaufman are all masterful in all of their works. Delicatessen? Rushmore? Adaptation? Synecdoche, New York? The City of Lost Children? Darjeeling Limited? Wow, just all so amazing. How about you?
Nice score with Gilliam!
I love Gilliam, and Tideland especially. If you haven't seen it, it is crazy messed up and imaginative. Also Brazil, obviously...Eternal Sunshine is amazing, and I was a Jeunet fan before I knew who he was!
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