A while ago I spent a lot of time talking names with Brianna before she and her husband Tyler had decided on Madelyn and today I was talking with Greg's wife Ivy {God bless you Facebook for letting me keep in touch with long distance cousins} about what they plan on naming their little one.
This got me to thinking about naming Amelia {it also helps that with her birthday a little over a week away I've got her birth story on the mind} and how fun it was. My advice to both cousins was that sometimes you just need to meet this little person first so that you can choose the name that fits the person. Cheyenne & I had a short list of names {both girl and boy since we didn't know the gender} that we had had most of my pregnancy. Two days before she was born on a total lark as I was walking downstairs to go pee for the millionth time that day I was thinking about one of the girls names at the top of the list. "Amelia" was the middle name that we had picked for that particular first name but as I was thinking about it I started to like the Amelia part best. Off handed as I was waddling down the stairs I called back to Cheyenne "what do you think about Amelia as a first name if it's a girl?".
When I came back up he was still thinking about it. "I like it, in fact I like it a lot" he said.
"Okay, well lets put it on the list. But what middle name?"
We tossed a few ideas back and forth and I threw out "Grace" because it's been one of my very very favorite names for years and years. We both loved it. The name went on the short list with a few others and we planned to meet this little person and see which fit best when the birth day came.
Cut to 4:35pm on January 27, 2010: we had a girl {as you are well aware} and when they announced "it's a girl" {best moment ever - the waiting is beyond worth it} they held her up and showed us our screaming breeched legged dark headed baby. In that moment Cheyenne choking on his own tears said the best words I will ever hear:
"Chole look, Amelia is here. That's our Amelia"
And he was right. She was our Amelia, she could never ever have been any of the other names on that list.
Today she goes by Amelia, Peanut, Mimi, Kiddo, Boo Boo, & Mestophales {haha just kidding on that one} but really, she's an Amelia and she could never have been anything else.
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