I actually had a whole blog post written up {in draft form} entitled "things that annoy the crap out of me that need to stop" but it got ponderously long and I decided that it wasn't quite in the spirit of this particular blog {though totally in the spirit of conversations that I would have with my besties}.
So, I hit delete. But then I still wasn't satisfied...because ya know, a lot of things drive me the crazy. I've decided to make a compromise with myself and just list one of them:
People of Earth please listen to me and obey: STOP USING THE PHRASE "BUCKET LIST"! It's stupid. And annoying.
Between Facebook and Pinterest I am subjected to this ridiculous phrase every damn day and each time i see or hear it it's like nails on a chalkboard. Just. Stop.
p.s. Also, stop using the phrase "pay it forward". In fact, just stop using titles of movies that did poorly in the box office in your every day conversations. It makes you look a fool.
Please and thank you.
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