It was actually perfect, just like the day that she was born it was unseasonably sunny and clear which was nice, since the poor thing has a January birthday I can't imagine that she will have a ton of sunny ones in her life {unless she moves somewhere sunny year round of course}.
Unlike last year, she wasn't suffering from a cold - in fact, it was the total opposite. I've never seen this child more happy and excited....and she's happy and excited a lot!
It would seem that she {thankfully} got her mothers birthday enthusiasm instead of her fathers birthday grumpiness.
We had the perfect amount of guests so that everyone could talk and mingle and move around and play with the kiddos without being overwhelming for guests or the guest of honor.
She LOVED LOVED LOVED all of her gifts and ate more sweets then she has ever ever had in her life {outside of her birthday she's not allowed to have any sweets}. Amelia and my friend's daughter Eulen ran around playing with each other, toys, and balloons in between bites of cupcake for HOURS.
Once everyone left and she got her bath she went straight to bed and promptly slept for 13 solid hours {two more than usual}.
I'd easily say that Operation 2nd Birthday was a giant to start planning next years!
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