Monday, August 17, 2009

36 hours and counting

My first trimester is down to hours and i couldn't be happier. Things look happy and healthy with the little parasite and my vomiting has gone way down. In fact I've kept all meals down for over 24 hours now (I'm still retching up spit in the mornings of course). I also have a touch more energy which means that pretty soon I'll be popping in those pregnancy workout and yoga DVDs that we got and making sure that I'm keeping a nice healthy strong home for the wee one for the next 6 months. Fun thing of note: the baby must have the soul of a middle aged woman (or it's mama's taste in music) because i feel the least nauseated when the like of James Taylor, Carole King, Jim Croce, Van Morrison, & Simon and Garfunkle are on. Also super exciting (to tech nerds like this baby's parents): our BabyPlus Prenatal System arrived today! Haven't heard of it? Do a Google search. It's super rad and i'll be strappin it to my tummy in a couple of weeks when the baby develops use of it's ears.

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