Saturday, October 3, 2009

The monthly OB appointment

We had our OB/GYN check up and 20 week ultrasound. Everything went perfectly well. The baby was swimming and kicking up a storm which was really cute to see. And for those of you that will ask, no we did not cry, we have yet to cry at a single OB appointment. There were plenty of smiles though as our baby kept kicking at the sonogram tool as though it was annoyed by the pressure. The tech knows the sex of our baby but was nice enough to have us look away when she had to check out the baby's nether regions so Cheyenne and i are still blissfully unaware of the gender. The size and organs and such are all perfectly healthy looking and right on track for our February 18th due date (though i have the sneaking suspicion that I'll have a procrastinator that stays a week or so late).
Our next appointment is the first Friday in November.

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