Thursday, January 21, 2010

A small sigh of relief

Now that we are assured that baby and I are safe and sound the realization that I 1) already had my last day of work - 3 weeks earlier than planned 2) baby should be here 4 weeks earlier than planned 3) we had planned on using those weeks and paychecks to continue to get things ready for the baby's arrival and a bit of panic had started to invade my evening dream scape. However, this morning i remembered that not only do i have double insurance coverage but i also have supplemental insurance. I called my wonderful (and mentioned in blog posts past) HR wizard Fran and confirmed that i do in fact get a $500 check each time i am admitted to the hospital (which means that i am covered for this past week and will get another when i go back to actually have the baby) and i also get money to make up for the fact that had i not been put on bed rest i would be at work right now earning a living (for the next 3 and a half weeks anyway) so let me tell you that gave me quite the boost that I needed. I'm filling out and turning in paperwork tomorrow so that we can go about finishing our last minute to-dos before the peanut arrives.

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