Friday, September 25, 2009

Things are going...

Ugh, this week I have a super awesome (please not the heavy sarcasm) sinus infection that has been draining into my lungs while i sleep and causing me to cough super hard and now i basically hurt from the chest up from it.
From the chest down i hurt thanks to my always darling baby (again...sarcasm). My hip bones hurt like none other. I have been begging my poor husband to break my bones (sounds crazy to you sure, but to me the cracking of them sounds heavenly...could that be my first "craving"?) he totally refuses (like a nancy girl) so i have to just suffer. Luckily my sweet friend Holly is going to be giving me a full body massage this Sunday before football starts.
The muralist started on the nursery today and it looks super cute so far, i'll post pictures this coming week when it's all painted...maybe i'll even be convinced to post a picture of my growing belly...

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