Sunday, April 25, 2010

Getting ready for our first trip

In a month we are going to Missouri/Kansas to visit my family which will be the first time for both Amelia and Cheyenne and I'm getting pretty excited. Not to be in the unholy heat and humidity mind you, but excited to see family that I miss so much and to have them all get to meet Amelia and to see Cheyenne in a more relaxed atmosphere (the last time anyone in my family saw him was at our wedding).
My mom and I went out over the weekend and basically bought Amelia a whole new wardrobe and everything is so so cute. She'll easily be the best dressed baby in the surprise though.
In addition to the obvious excitement of getting to see family we also have a couple of special things going on: my cousin Brianna is getting married (yay!) and I'm pretty sure it's going to be sooo much fun (I'm happy that Cheyenne's first trip will include the Shalz clan in wedding celebration mode). Also, my cousin Brynn had her first baby, a little girl, born exactly 3 months to the day after Amelia so it's going to be so sweet seeing these two little cousins together.
I'm a little nervous about the plane ride there though, as everyone knows, I do not step onto a plane without heavy heavy doses of Xanex but this time i pretty much have to forgo that because of Amelia, so poor Cheyenne is going to have to take care of two babies on the flight! Eesh.

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