Monday, January 14, 2013

.The {belated} Christmas Post.

Christmas this year was so much fun! It was the first year that Amelia was old enough to really get into the excitement of it all and I think it'll be a good building block year for reference next year {"remember last year when Santa came?"}. I didn't get nearly enough photos, in fact I didn't take a single one on Christmas day {just these few from the night before} and the video we shot was lacking to say the least {I'm still editing it} - but there was just so much going on: so much to unwrap, cook, eat, family to enjoy and friends to entertain that photographic documentation fell by the wayside. Le sigh.
For those wondering, Santa brought Amelia an easel & smock, paints & brushes, Duplo Legos,  a giant amount of crayons & coloring books, and other artsy things that I am currently forgetting. Alice got a play table thingy and a bunch of baby toys & books. The of course there were the 3 million gifts from Mommy & Daddy, grandparents, great-grandparents, godparents, & friends. Basically they made out like bandits and our playroom/family is totally bursting at the it should be I suppose.

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