Monday, October 4, 2010

It gets better.

Watching the news lately has been heartbreaking. As a mother to a child that I love with all of my being and a friend to several gay/bi/trans people that I couldn't love as more if they were blood relation the recent suicides of bullied children and alienated closeted young people are shocking and horrific.
It sickens and saddens me that these are issues in the "enlightened" 2010. Living in such a liberal town I sometimes forget that there are parts of the country that are significantly less so.
Dan Savage {a long time favorite columnist of mine} has started the "it gets better project" on youtube to help give encouragement to young people struggling through these issues. Please, if you fall into this category, check out these videos or talk to someone. Whatever you need, but please know this - things DO get better.

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