Tuesday, January 25, 2011

.Where did you come from?.

We had Amelia's one year check up today {sniff sniff} and everything went well. She's super healthy and developmentally on target. She weighs 18 pounds {which is the 14th percentile} and is just over 30 inches long {94th percentile} which basically means that she is the tallest and skinniest baby on planet Earth!
The doctor said that the weight doesn't cause concern since it's right on the same curve that she's always been on {since day one she's been in the 20-something percentile for weight and 80 or 90-something for length} but that she would like to see a bit more weight put on by our next appointment in April. So we were sent home with literature on how to fatten up a baby - it turns out to be such a rare thing that they need to hand out that the copy is a bit yellowed looking.
Her iron levels are perfect so we got the okay to start her on cows milk {whole milk only} so that may help. I'm upping her intake of avocado, natural peanut butter {she doesn't have a nut allergy}, coconut milk, whole milk yogurt and cheese, and am going to cook her veggies in olive oil {instead of steaming or raw as i have been} as nutritious ways off adding healthy fats to her diet.

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