Thursday, December 22, 2011

.Well if that's not a "sign of readiness" then I don't know what is.

For a few months now Cheyenne & I have been talking up the awesomeness of going potty on a potty chair like a big girl while trying not to put any pressure on Little Miss {so we don't stress her out and cause the whole process to take longer}. Our plan has always been to start either on her birthday or when she's ready...whichever comes first.
Today {as in 30 minutes ago} while we were in the family room she pulled down her pants and stepped out of them {nothing unusual - the kid likes to be naked} then pulled down her diaper and stepped out of it and brought it to me saying "potty" {also not terribly unusual since she's aware that she currently goes potty in her diaper}. Then she walked to the middle of the room and peed.
Aside from the not so awesome act of my having to clean human urine off of my floor, it was actually fantastic. Clearly that's about the most glaring sign of "potty training readiness" if ever there was one.
Potty training goes into full affect on Monday and of course I'll keep you updated on progress {you're reading a blog devoted to all things mom & kid so I assume that you aren't horrified by that}.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

AHHHHH That's hillarious!! Go Amelia!