Friday, July 1, 2011

.Girl with the dragon tattoo.

I have read the "Millennium Trilogy" a couple of times and seen all three of the Swedish versions of the movies a couple of times each and I have to say that I just love them. It's not generally my genre of choice {thriller} but Stieg Larsson was a great writer and I honestly think that the Swedish film adaptations were quite good {mostly thanks to amazing performances by Noomi Repace }.
The amazing David Fincher {of whom I have been a huge fan of since his 1995 film "Se7en"} was given the task of making an American version of the films {Girl with the dragon tattoo, Girl that played with fire, & Girl that kicked the hornet's nest} and even though I have never ever been disappointed with a Fincher film I have been very vocally skeptic about an American adaptation. Mostly because the Scandinavian to American adaptations that I have seen have been pure awful {examples include: Let the right one in, Insomnia, Wings of desire}.
However, the official theatrical trailer for the American version has come out and I'm totally impressed! Fincher's take, from what we can see, totally fits the mood of the book and don't get me started on the awesome reworked version of Led Zeplin's "Immigrant Song" with music by the extraorinarily talented Trent Reznor & eerie vocals by one of my favorite ladies of today's music, Karen O. of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
You can bet your sweet buns that I'll be seeing this the first weekend it comes out then reporting my thought back here to you {oh please don't let me down Mr. Fincher}!

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