Sunday, September 11, 2011

.Rethinking and overthinking and {always} planning too far in advance.

I think I've mentioned my great love of the blog Girl's Gone Child before. I love the writer a lot and would totally be her bestie if we lived in the same town and personally knew one another. But I digress.
This morning I was reading some archived posts of hers and came across this one. It's fantastic and makes a lot of truly valid points about children sharing rooms. As an only child with nightmare drama that has actually lasted into adulthood it wasn't until reading this blogpost that it occurred to me that I might have been saved some of the childhood terror if I had had a roommate right there. Since I was/am an only child that wasn't an option and so sharing {anything but especially a room} never really crossed my mind. Now I'm kinda thinking "hmm, maybe I'll have Amelia and future sibling share a room for their first few years." Obviously when they grew out of it and need their own space and more privacy a spare room could be used as another bedroom.
What are your thoughts? Did you ever share a room with a sibling? What did you like and not like about it? Are you an only child like me and ever think that it might be fun to have that special bond with a sibling?

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