Friday, January 13, 2012


As you may have noticed, I have gotten very slack about posting recipes on Mondays and cocktails on Fridays as of late. With Amelia leaping full throttle into her terrible twos {ugh - that's a whole blog post unto itself}I just haven't had the physical time or emotional energy to deal with much of anything as of late. Toddlers, it turns out, are super exhausting folks.
So for now, I'm taking a temporary break from the Monday & Friday recipes but I promise that if you sign up for a Pinterest account {it's free and addictive} you'll be able to follow me and see recipes of all kinds that tickle my fancy and that I'll be trying.
All of this is not to say that I'm taking a break from blogging in general and keeping you up to date on The Peanut - just a little break from the set scheduled posts on Mondays & Fridays.
Thanks for understanding!