Thursday, December 30, 2010

.New friends.

Now that Amelia is 11 months old {just 29 days until her birthday!} she's too old/big for the mommy & me class at Good Samaritan Hospital which is a shame because we both loved it. So in addition to her music classes I've been on the lookout for a new social outlet for the two of us to take the place of the group at Good Sam. Thanks to {which I've used before for other mommy groups} we have joined a new group! I'm pretty excited, it's a nice well established group with lots of participation and the women are all about my age and it'll give Amelia the chance for some play dates with other littles.
Now that the holidays are almost over I'm already looking ahead to warmer weather activities {which should be more fun this year now that she's old enough to enjoy them} and am thinking of swimming lessons. I have a few friends with kiddos that love love love their swim classes and I've done quite a bit of research {big shock there} and am pretty excited about it. I'm thinking of enrolling at DolFUN Swim Academy because of it's high ratings/reviews, closeness to our house, and excellent facilities. I'm thinking that a Spring start would be best so that by the time the hot weather hits and we need to go cool down with a dip in my mom's pool or at our local community pool Amelia will be pretty used to it and enjoy it. We took her to my mom's last year and she seemed to like it & she's like a fish in the bathtub so I'm thinking that swim lessons should be pretty fun for her.

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