Tuesday, April 26, 2011

.Happy birthday Dante.

On Saturday we went to Playdate PDX to celebrate the 2nd birthday of Dante Ghazi Chambers {the son of Josh Chambers - one of my friends since childhood}. Amelia had an okay time, she was in a fairly sober mood all weekend {especially on Saturday} so she had fun but wasn't terribly over interested. We stayed for about an hour before we took her home for some peace and quiet which seemed to be the answer as she perked right up.

Playing with Shayla {the daughter of my friend Tatiana} who is 2.5 months older. Look how much hair my little mop top has by comparison!
They kept switch places when they would notice that the other girl had "more".
Playing with the birthday boy!
Going down the big slide with Daddy.
Going down the big slide with Mommy.
Playing with the "memory game" puzzle.
Going down the tunnel slide with Daddy. Notice her "I don't care for this" face?
Playing in the tunnels. She did not care for this either.
Daddy trying to convince her that this is what other children her age do for fun. She wasn't buyin' what he was sellin'.
I call this "The Barracuda"

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