Friday, May 6, 2011

.15 month check-up.

Yesterday was Amelia's 15 month check-up at the pediatrician's office and it went very well! She now weighs 20 pounds & 10 ounces {16th percentile} and is 31.5 inches long {85th percentile} which means that she's still longer and skinnier than almost any other baby there is!
She got 3 shots which did not please her but she recovered quickly and was fine all day {no lethargy or grumpiness}.
As for the walking, the doctor confirmed our hypothesis. This child absolutely CAN walk and is choosing not to which is "totally normal" and means that Amelia is a "perfectionist baby" and doesn't like to do things until she is confident that she's doing it "right". I wonder where she gets that from? Haha.
All in all she's a perfectly happy and healthy baby that is right on track. Phew!

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