Tuesday, May 17, 2011

.No more bottles.

As of today we are a 100% bottle free home. We had started weaning her off of the bottle a while ago {I think I even mentioned it in a blog post} and had worked our way down to three a day {first thing in the morning, nap time, and before bed} over the last few days we've gotten rid of those three and packed up all of the bottles & accessories.
Every day she is less of a baby and more of a "kid". I'm so proud but just a little sad too.


Unknown said...

Oh I know what you mean! Two weeks ago we transitioned her from her crib to a day bed (we basically just took one railing off to make it easy on her). She did great but I was a wreck! How is it that our babies are no longer babies?

Chole Clark said...

Oh, how did that go? We've been talking about the transition to a "big girl bed" but not really sure when to do it. Im also undecided on getting a "toddler bed" or going the daybed route...they both have pros and cons.