Sunday, November 6, 2011

.Day 6.

The Crew - My friends kick some serious a**. I have some truly amazing friends: I have the friends as close as sisters/brothers {Amanda, Jerome, David G, David P, Holly, Meegan}, the friends that I trust with my daughter's life {David A & Abigail}, the friends that inspire me {Kevin, Alaya, Kiki, Maureen}, the friends that make me happy to be in the "mommy clique" {Jessica, Wendy, Judy, Erin}, the friends that have known me since before puberty {Emily, Josh, Alicia}, the friend that gets to see me cry {Marge} -side note: I'm not "a crier"- and of course there are all of the others that I love truly but for time reasons I couldn't list everyone out. All of these people have been known to make me laugh until I cried, supported me in my dark times, and overall made me a very lucky woman just being able to say that I keep such great company. Much love to all of you wonderful people.

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